It's harder to find a Laplander's hut with a rotating dance floor inside than it is to find a functional style apartment at Gärdet. Since the time for finding an environment can vary, we estimate the cost from case to case. Try to be as specific as possible in your task description and ask for an estimate.

Price list as of January 2014:

Fee Shoot Locations scouting
SEK 6.000/day
Mediation fee (from archive)
SEK 3.500
Shoot Locations on location ­ stills
SEK 4.000-5.000/day (10 hours production)
Shoot Locations on location ­ film
according to quotation

Expenses such as mileage allowance and deliveries are not included in the price. We don't always have to be on location the whole day. Of course, in those cases, the cost will decrease.
Letter remuneration ­ stills
approx. SEK 4.000-8.000/day
Letter remuneration ­ film
according to quotation
The amount in full will go to the letter.
Editorial byline as payment instead of money?
It's negotiable. We're not impossible. Contact us and we can discuss it.

You're always welcome to come and view our archive for free. Call 08-22 40 33 for an appointment. In the meantime, visit our
web gallery!

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